Barcode Xpress for Node.js v13.3 - Updated
Upgrading from Barcode Xpress v11 to Barcode Xpress v13
User Guide > Getting Started > Upgrading from Barcode Xpress v11 to Barcode Xpress v13

Upgrading the Package

  1. Make sure you have the correct system requirements.
  2. If you already have barcode-js installed, you can use the following npm command to upgrade to the latest version:
    Copy Code
    $ npm install barcode-js@latest

    Use the -g flag if you have barcode-js installed as a global package.

Note that going from v11 to v13 is a major version upgrade, so the npm install command must be used.
For minor version updates, you can use npm update instead.

Updating Your Code

As of version 13, the parameters of the bx.analyze() function have changed.

For the type parameter, it is preferable to use the predefined BarcodeType constants instead of strings.


Copy Code
// barcode-js v11
 const bx = require('barcode-js');
 const params = {
     input: "path/filename.ext",
     type: ["code128", "code39"]
 bx.analyze(params, function(err, results) {
     /* ... */


Copy Code
// barcode-js v13
const bx = require('barcode-js');
const params = {
    type: [bx.BarcodeType.CODE128, bx.BarcodeType.CODE39]
const input = "path/filename.ext";
bx.analyze(input, params, function(err, results) {
    /* ... */

You will need to update your existing code to reflect this change.

See the documentation of the analyze function for more information.